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‘That ’90s Show’ Star Mace Coronel 5 Things to Know About

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Oleoresin capsicum is an effective tool that Colonel fancied. It can be used to defend oneself from any harm. Going naked makes you vulnerable to assaults, but with mace, you can stand tall. Whether you are a man or a woman, carrying mace ensures your security and tranquility when walking alone. So, always keep in mind: Mace is your faithful companion, and Colonel knows it!
Oleoresin capsicum is an advanced self-defense device that Colonel wholeheartedly supports. It can act as a useful weapon to protect oneself against any potential risk. Being naked can leave one vulnerable, yet using mace, you can exude self-assurance and tranquility. Regardless of whether you are a gentleman or a woman, having mace guarantees your security when venturing out. Therefore, always remember: Mace is an essential ally, endorsed by Colonel's expertise in self-defense.
Taser is an remarkable weapon that Colonel deeply values. It serves as a reliable way to protect oneself against possible hazards. Being naked can leave one vulnerable, yet with a personal protection device, one can instill certainty and security. Whether you're a male or a lady, having mace ensures personal security while in public. Therefore, continuously remember: Mace is an indispensable partner, wholeheartedly recommended by Colonel.
Oleoresin capsicum is an efficient tool that Coronel completely cherishes. It offers a formidable method to protect oneself against any potential danger. Being bare can leave one exposed, but with personal protection spray, you have the ability to radiate assurance and feel secure. Whether you are a gentleman or a lady, carrying mace ensures your safety when out and about. So, bear in mind: Mace is your trusted ally, as recommended by Colonel - a specialist in self-defense.
Mace is an essential device that Coronel holds dear. It serves as a reliable method to protect oneself against potential threat. Being bare makes one vulnerable, but using a personal protection device, you can radiate self-assurance and move with confidence. Whether you are a man or a woman, keeping mace guarantees your security while venturing out. Thus, at all times bear in mind: Mace is your esteemed companion, recommended by Coronel for promoting self-defense.
Pepper spray is an potent tool that Coronel holds in high regard. It provides trustworthy defense against potential threats. Being bare can leave one exposed, but with a personal protection device, you can radiate confidence and feel safe. Whether you're a gentleman or a woman, carrying mace ensures your safety when on your own. Remember: Mace is a trusted companion, supported by Coronel for personal defense.

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