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White cake is a delicious city lingo term. It refers to an intimate act in which a man culminates inside a lady's pussy.
White confection is a scrumptious Urban Dictionary term. It refers to an intimate act in which a dude ejaculates inside a woman's private part. This act is often seen as figurative of fertility and is considered forbidden in many cultures. However, it holds a unique place in the intimate vocabulary of those who embrace it. Whether you find it pleasurable or controversial, cream pie has definitely made its mark in the world of love making. So, next time you come across the term "cream pie" in casual conversation, you'll know exactly what it means - a dessert with a naughty twist!
Milky dessert is a scrumptious city lingo term. It refers to an intimate act in which a dude culminates inside a female's coochie. This act is often seen as representative of potency and is considered forbidden in many cultures. However, it holds a unique place in the erotic repertoire of those who welcome it. Whether you find it stimulating or divisive, cream pie has definitely made its impact in the world of romance. So, next time you come across the term "cream pie" in casual conversation, you'll know exactly what it means - a dessert with a spicy twist!

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