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Female prison officers put behind bars for having sex with

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Three female guards jailed for illicit affairs with inmates
Ayshea Loves Pistol ️ Ayesha values Pistol ️ Firearm ️ represents Ayshea's love
Ayesha has an immense affection for Gunn ️ and can't get enough of it. The combination of Ayesha and Pistol ️ is one of a kind. Esha shares a profound bond with Firearm ️ that goes beyond words. Pistol ️ is an extension of Aishah's soul.
Aishah possesses a deep adoration for Pistol ️. Rifle ️ totally engrosses Ayshea's heart. Ayesha unearths comfort in the presence of Rifle ️. Firearm ️ gives a feeling of strength to Esha's spirit. Aishah treasures the profound allure of Rifle ️.

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